40 grams of Montasio per day: prescription for healthy heart.

Usual consumers of cheese have a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases up to 18%, heart attacks up to 14% and stroke up to 10%. These are the findings of a study-research of the University of Soochow, in China, based on the monitoring of about 200 thousand people over a period of 10 years.


Many studies prove wrong the old theory according to which fat contained in cheese are harmful for heart’s health. On the contrary, many researches show that a regular consumption of this food reduces the risk of stroke.


In particular, cheeses derived from whole milk, like Montasio Pdo, have a positive effect on the good HDL cholesterol, unlike light dairy products. In fact, fats carry out the positive action acting in synergy with other nutrients like proteins, calcium and vitamin A.


Moreover, ripened cheeses, like extra-mature Montasio Pdo (aged for more than 10 months), contain tripeptides; protein fragments that can reduce blood pressure. A great advantage for people suffering from hypertension.


However, when and how much cheese a person should eat? As second course, the ideal would be two or three times per week, better in combination with fresh vegetables, a very good source of fiber. As for mature cheese, one would eat 50 grams maximum, 100 grams per meal of fresh cheese. A serving of 40 grams of cheese is perfect as snack in the morning or afternoon, every day, too.


Nutritionists always recommend to follow a balanced diet, prefer whole carbohydrate food instead of refined ones, and assume an adequate quantity of proteins without forgetting seasonal fruits and vegetables at every meal.


Discover the balanced composition of Montasio cheese on our website: http://www.montasio.com/nutrition-education/

7 October 2018

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